Definition of Sulfur cycle

1. Noun. (chemistry) ,(biochemistry) the natural cycle which includes the mineralization of organic sulfur to sulfide, oxidation of this to sulfate, and reduction of this to sulfide followed by microbial incorporation of this into organic compounds ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sulfur Cycle

sulfur-crested cockatoo
sulfur acid
sulfur alcohol
sulfur bacteria
sulfur bacterium
sulfur bath
sulfur bottom
sulfur candle
sulfur candles
sulfur cast
sulfur cockatoo
sulfur cone
sulfur cycle
sulfur dibromide
sulfur dioxide
sulfur ether
sulfur fungus
sulfur hexafluoride
sulfur impression
sulfur match
sulfur mine
sulfur monoxide
sulfur mustard
sulfur nitride
sulfur ore
sulfur oxide
sulfur oxides

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